PHASE ONE Funds FORCE’s Clinical Research Search & Enroll Program

PHASE ONE Foundation is excited to announce a Community Grant for FORCE (Facing Our Risk of Cancer Empowered) in the amount of $60,471 to expand the organization’s Clinical Research Search & Enroll Program which provides patients and families with clinical trial resources and a clinical trial matching tool specific to the hereditary cancer community.

FORCE has a longstanding history of furthering research for people facing cancer due to an inherited mutation, and for the past 25 years has been the voice for the hereditary cancer community.

Through education, support, advocacy, and research efforts, FORCE improves the lives of millions of individuals and families facing hereditary breast, ovarian, pancreatic, prostate, colorectal, and endometrial cancers.

With support from PHASE ONE, FORCE will expand its Clinical Research Search & Enroll Program. Its goal is to ensure that all individuals who may benefit from participation in a study are informed and have equitable access to the information they need to make an informed personal decision.

“One of the most important things we can do to help cancer research advance is to ensure clinical trials are filled with qualified patients from diverse backgrounds. By matching patients with relevant research studies, FORCE is working alongside researchers to accelerate the pace of scientific discovery and ultimately to improve outcomes. This generous gift from PHASE ONE Foundation will help us do just that!”

—Sue Friedman, FORCE Founder and Executive Director

The FORCE Clinical Research Search & Enroll tool helps individuals with a genetic mutation quickly identify studies unique to their situation. Last year, this tool was used by more than 6,700 people. In addition to the matching tool, FORCE raises awareness of the studies among the hereditary cancer population through multiple communication methods.

PHASE ONE’s Community Grant will enable FORCE to expand their research enrollment efforts with an improved capacity to identify new prospective studies for the hereditary cancer community, develop relevant, plain language summaries, and promote these studies through multiple communication channels. A key focus will be to syndicate research studies through their partnership program, which will allow cancer-specific nonprofits, and those serving underserved and minority populations, to highlight targeted studies relevant to their communities. Together, PHASE ONE and FORCE aim to further vital cancer research.

“Supporting the expansion of FORCE's Clinical Research Search & Enroll Program reflects our shared mission of empowering communities, providing support, and ensuring equitable access to critical resources. Ultimately, making strides towards a healthier and informed future for those facing hereditary cancers. Together, we strive for a future where knowledge transforms lives.”

Lisa Woods, PHASE ONE Community Granting Committee Chair

To learn more about FORCE’s crucial work with the hereditary cancer community and to access their Clinical Research Search & Enroll visit:

Madelyn Olsen